With Seamless Authentication feature

control everything from one place!

Asiacell always seeks to provide its subscribers with the best and the easiest experience. So instead of removing the SIM card and inserting it back into the mobile phone to check the balance, now AsiaConnect and MiFi subscribers can check and recharge their balance, buy bundles, and many more through the Seamless Authentication feature.

To do so, follow the simple steps below:

  1. Connect your mobile or PC to MiFi or CPE using LAN cable or Wi-Fi.
  2. Visit the Asiacell website or application.
  3. On the home page, click on the personal page (profile), then click on Quick login, where you can check and recharge balance, buy bundles and many more through the Seamless Authentication feature.
  4. You can also dial *223# code to manage your data line
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