Asiacell Short Code service is a solution for business customers in Iraq to have a small 4-digit post-paid number that provides their customers with an easy and convenient way to dial/memorize and stay connected.

Benefits & features to subscribers:

Build your brand and generate product awareness. It is a new way to launch a successful new product advertisement by providing the short code number and the service associated with it. By using Asiacell’s Short Code Service, subscribers can enjoy the following benefits and features:

  1. Short Codes are convenient, simple to dial.
  2. They are more memorable than long phone numbers and website names.
  3. This service will enable you to receive incoming and make outgoing voice calls and SMS.

Short Code Offer

  • The customer will get a monthly bill on the 24th of every month, containing usage details.
  • The customer can pay their bill/check their balance by all the available methods used in Asiacell for postpaid lines {direct, USSD scratch cards and web self-care portals}.
  • Customers can forward the received calls to the short code to up to four other lines.
  • Please note: -

  • Only a limited number of Short Codes are available and can only be reserved with CMC’s approval.
  • Short Codes are available in a range for commercial use, starting from 6000 to 6999
  • The service is subject to the VAT set by the Iraqi government.
  • How to subscribe:

    1. Contact your Asiacell corporate sales manager
    2. Send an mail
    3. Call us on our free dedicated Business Customer Care number from your Asiacell number 323 or +964-7720044-323 from non-Asiacell numbers
    4. Please visit any of Asiacell main shops.

    For more information, you can call 323, or email:

    Terms and conditions apply

    Short Code Service FAQs:

    • What is the Short Code Service?

      The Short Code Service enables business customers to choose a 4-digit postpaid mobile number and stay connected to receive/make voice calls and SMS from/to their customers.

    • Who can purchase a Short Code?

      Short Codes offered to business customers. This includes SME (Small and medium business)

    • What are the documents that business customers need to present in order to get the Short Code Service?

      The business owner or authorized person must provide the following documents:
      * An official approval letter with desired Short Code from CMC
      * Business license
      * Same documents are required when customer buys postpaid lines, the required documents are Civil Status ID Card, Food Ration Coupon and two personal photos.

    • Can customers make and receive calls?

      Yes, the Short Code Service allows on-net Asiacell incoming/outgoing calls and SMSs.

    • How can business customers choose their Short Code?

      We advise customers first to approach Asiacell Corporate Sales team to find out the price of the service, as the prices will depend on the Short Code type (Platinum, Gold, Silver and Regular).

    • What is the Short Code Service?

      The Short Code Service enables business customers to choose a 4-digit postpaid mobile number and stay connected to receive/make voice calls and SMS from/to their customers.

    • Can a Short Code be a Toll Free Number?

      No, Short Codes cannot be Toll Free Numbers. The Toll Free Number will start with standard format of 800-XXXXX.

    • Can a Business customer forward their Short Code calls to other numbers?

      Yes, Asiacell allows the Short Code to be configured to forward calls to up to 5 numbers.

    • Does the company require to sign a contract with Asiacell?

      Yes, business owner or authorized person needs to sign a contract for the service.

    • Is a corporate customer allowed to purchase two short codes at the same time?

      Yes, Customers can obtain two Short Code numbers, based on CMC approvals.

    • How is a corporate customer charged?

      Customers will get monthly bills, same as regular postpaid lines.

    • Can corporate customers make out-going voice calls, SMSs?

      Yes, corporate customers will be able to make outgoing voice calls or outgoing SMSs from their Short code number, as this is an optional choice.

    • Can customers use their Short code in their mobile handsets?

      Yes, the SIM card; the line can be installed in a mobile device.

    • Can corporate customers make direct payment to Asiacell to reserve any short code?

      No, the process of reserving any short code needs to be carried out directly with the CMC.

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